Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Let's Go Blow Bubbles...


spygrrl said...

my princess and i love to blow bubbles too! What a great relaxing summer activity!

Sadie said...

I love bubbles! I blow them with my cat. :)

Solo Ad Explosion said...

Bubbles are so much fun with kids and adults alike!

Linda said...

Have you seen the big bubble stick? Lots of fun with my nephews!

BarbaraRae said...

My grand kids and the animals have a great time with the bubbles. It's cheap a great fun!

Diane Scott said...

I was the ruling bubble blowing queen in my day LOL! (Full of hot air? LOL!)

ConnieFoggles said...

I have to admit that this is one of my favorite things to do! I always suggest it to my daughter so I can play too :)

Lynn said...

We love blowing bubbles and even have two auto bubble blowing machines. This has to be the cheapest, funnest activity around.

cady said...

i love bubbles! our cats love them, and i can't wait until lucy's born so we can play with them with her.